LOVEJILI Link app,REGISTER NOW GET FREE 888 PESOS REWARDS! Latest Casino and Gaming News Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:23:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ken Catron Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:23:11 +0000 In all seriousness. There should be a trans National water waywith large catch basins in every region used to prevent flooding in one place and drought in others. Using both man made and natural water ways along with water stabilization centers along the way to match PH level and assure that undesirable species don’t make the trip cross country. If they start this now they won’t be in a state of panic when this is a necessity. It could eliminate flooding like recently in California, droughts in Nevada, flooding in the Mississippi and the East Coast.

By: Ken Catron Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:16:38 +0000 Everybody worries about the excess salt. Just sell it to Denny’s, God knows they would use it up in no time.

By: thomas byron burrows Sat, 10 Jun 2023 04:05:03 +0000 Why no take the excess flood water on the Mississippi and storm it in eastern Colorado. Use that water for the front range. Then divert water going to the front range of Colorado to the Colorado river in the State of Colorado. Understanding that maybe there would be years when the Colorado Front Range would not get any Mississippi river water. But the absolute FIRST thing is to fix all leaks in the water distribution system on the Colorado Front Range. And make the water more expensive to the customers. Make the first four or five thousand gallons inexpensive as that is what is needed for the average home. Raise rates exponentially for more use.

By: dave Mon, 24 Apr 2023 07:21:52 +0000 Solar powered units that condense H2O from warm humid air in an enclosed space, fed by sea water, and presumably releasing briny water with a tolerable level of salinity, have already been invented. You would need about 40 squared miles of them to supply San Diego.

By: Herb Jerb Sat, 15 Apr 2023 15:02:41 +0000 They need to find a water source on this side of the continental divide. And is the power created by the dams greater than the power it would take to pump millions of gallons into the lake to spin the turbines?

By: Summers Fri, 24 Mar 2023 04:13:22 +0000 The Mississippi is already damed all the way up and down it’s called lock and dams they just need to up grade and install power generation power the entire Midwest and rise the river during soft years with certain locks like the reservoirs upstream rethink the Mississippi River litterly built on the wing dams of the civil war and pictures of horse and buggy dropping rocks old up grade the infrastructure of Mississippi

By: Dude Duderson Fri, 17 Mar 2023 21:04:32 +0000 How about if CA catches some of the rain that flows into the ocean? Last few storms, the runoff was in the trillions of gallons…

By: Gino Wed, 15 Mar 2023 11:58:47 +0000 The users of Colorado river water need to be conserving a lot more and more worried than they are. Considering there may not be any water from the river by 2024, you would think people would be a little more careful with the water they have. Instead they keep using the same amount and every year after the wet season they start with less water then the year before. The problem has been building since early 2000s and little to nothing has been done to conserve water. They just keep using the same amounts that got them into this or even more than they have used.

Understanding a lot of places don’t use Colorado river water as thier only source, not having it at all will put more stress on other supplies. That’s when they will understand the importance of Colorado river water. Not only in the southwest, but all over the U.S as we get most of our winter fruits and vegetables from that source. Instead of the Missisippi river how about something closer like the Columbia river. Largest river flowing into the Pacific and the same water you eventually have to run thru desalnation.

By: Common Sense Wed, 08 Mar 2023 03:19:29 +0000 solution number one: If you take water from the Colorado River, you must return it. Las Vegas (Nevada) is the only state that returns the water it takes out. Every other state sends its used Colorado River to another river. Solution number two: Quit blaming “climate change” for every problem under the sun. Yes, Climate change is part of the problem, but climate change has been here for billions of years. The colorado river was created by climate change. Solution number 3: Tell the faux environmental activists to go pound sand. They claimed California would be 8 feet underwater by 2024. Yet when they protest against desalinization, they claim it will cause all the oceans to go dry. You can’t have it both ways!

By: Skye Sun, 05 Mar 2023 20:17:58 +0000 Actually, if you mix salt or brine water with the right formula of resins, you can produce a substance stronger than steel and about a tenth of the weight.

By: MoreTrees Sat, 04 Mar 2023 06:44:11 +0000 Salt from desalination can be used as a catalyst to significantly increase the efficiency of free carbon capture systems, supercharging the fight against climate change.

Not to mention like 100 other already common uses…

By: John fckn wayne Thu, 02 Mar 2023 04:11:16 +0000 None cares about a cesspool like ca or nv. You made your problem now live with it.

By: Mike P Wed, 22 Feb 2023 13:30:59 +0000 Here’s a novel idea. Quit building homes in areas where water is projected to run out or become scarce. Do you think politicians can do that? No, I don’t.
Here’s another idea. Close down our southern border and stop anyone from entering. If we cant provide enough adequate water for our own citizens, why are we allowing more people here?
And for those people that think the desalination plants are the answer, think again. The salt that’s removed from ocean water is hazardous waste. Where do you expect it to be disposed at? It cannot go back into the ocean, it’d eventually kill all Marine life. If it’s dumped on the ground, nothing will ever grow there again plus it will leach into the ground water making private wells like mine unfit for anything.
Keep in mind, this drought that has caused Lake Powell and Lake Mead’s water level to drop to a critical level has been going on for the past 20 years. This is not something that suddenly occured overnight, government officials have been monitoring this for two decades. It’s only recently that they’ve started looking for a solution. We’ll suffer for their failure, as usual.
The answer is simple albeit not popular. Less people means less consumption. Period. Shut down the influx of migrants, deport those that don’t belong here. If we don’t have enough water to drink, there won’t be any fruit for them to pick anyways! Cutting off CA entirely would save American lives in Arizona and Nevada, not sure if any Americans exist in CA anymore.
I have to water my lawn now…

By: Joe Mon, 20 Feb 2023 13:00:18 +0000 The answer is simple, CONSERVE. Humans waste water, the only need for water is farming and human use. NO POOLS, NO LAWNS, NO CAR WASHING, NO STREET CLEANING, ETC. And, limit use to 10 gallons per day per person. It is easeily doable. My wife and I lived on our boat, cooking, dishes, shower daily and laundry, we could make out 150 gallons of onboard water last 12 days no problem. WE DIDN’T WASTE ANY, THAT IS THE ANSWER!

By: Robert Tue, 14 Feb 2023 00:30:03 +0000 Salt water it the answer. Clean it up for drinking and salt roads back east instead of mining the salt.

By: Tom Tue, 14 Feb 2023 00:20:30 +0000 Why go all the way from the Mississippi…instead go from the Columbia River to the Flaming Gorge reservoir…the Columbia River water goes out to the ocean, now….the rest of the.water delivery system is already in place: Green River, Lake Powell, Lake Mead, Lake Havasu, through to Mexico…use a water pipeline from the Columbia River to the Flaming Gorge reservoir…not a trivial or inexpensive capital project, but necessary….Tom

By: Michael Bare Mon, 13 Feb 2023 19:42:52 +0000 Desalination could work sell the salt to the east coast and midwest states for the roads during the winter months 2problems solved

By: Noel Sporrer Mon, 13 Feb 2023 17:11:18 +0000 I’ve got an idea, quit filling swimming pools, golf courses and all the other recreational crap that takes so much water, people don’t need that to survive. Taking more water from the agricultural industry is going to create an even larger food shortage than we already have so that’s a terrible idea, but I will also say Arizona needs to gets some pumping regulations in place for the farmers there, from what I have read they have no regulations and can pump freely. That is not very good planning for water use. We have pumping restrictions here in Colorado and it works. California can capture runoff that they get from the rains received but they just let it run into the ocean instead. Using the drought as an excuse for the water shortage in the western states is a total copout, it is all caused by poor decisions made by the politicians and the people. Diverting water from the Mississippi and Missouri rivers is just going to cause unnecessary drought in several other areas of the nation, that’s not a good plan. Point is, there is no reason for all the golf courses, water parks, swimming pools and hot tubs in everyone’s backyards, etc using water other than for selfish pleasure, it is not a necessity. Quit building the cities bigger and bigger, that all requires massive amounts of water. If the people and the politicians would make better choices it wouldn’t even be an issue.

By: Mike Mon, 13 Feb 2023 14:17:56 +0000 Watching this happen just makes me sick. As a kid river trips lake trips to Lake Mead best memories I have. In my family it was right of passage to get your own boat to make your first trip without your parents cousins your children all with you having a blast. Wasted water through California and every other state pulling from the river no one cares. I just don’t get why I watch Israel get their water right out of the ocean and filter it and they don’t have a problem and they’re in the middle of a desert you have California sitting right here with all this water going to waste that can have the same equipment pumping water wherever the hell it’s needed and we don’t do it. At the rate it’s going my kids won’t be able to take their kids to the lakes rivers because it’s the way the world is turned very sad very simple solution folks very simple all that water sitting there going to waste filter it send it whatever need to get it done.

By: Allan Bentley Mon, 13 Feb 2023 13:16:26 +0000 Look at where the headwaters of the Missouri River is located. Then look at how close that is to the green river which eventually enters the Colorado River. This makes way more sense to look at this as a project.

By: Wayne p Sun, 12 Feb 2023 20:43:09 +0000 When ever there are clouds over lake mead. nevada and Arizona air national guard fighters could make supersonic passes above or below the clouds to bump the moisture molecules together to make it rain. Sending several in a row could have significant reactions from the clouds.

By: Linda Sun, 12 Feb 2023 17:48:04 +0000 Why the Mississippi? Why not the Columbia? It’s closer and seems to have a larger volume of water.

By: Mark Sun, 12 Feb 2023 02:52:49 +0000 Tampa Bay currently has the biggest desalination plant in the US and they don’t have problems with the salt. Problem solved. Problem is the west coast has already dried up plenty of aquifers and are out of options.

By: Kathleen Harris Sat, 11 Feb 2023 22:24:29 +0000 Just one more way to totally destroy nature’s ecosystems. No surprise there as humans have so much.

By: Joseph Stoner Sat, 11 Feb 2023 21:37:28 +0000 This is easy to solve. Stop using Colorado River water to grow alfalfa in Southern California to sell it to China and Japan. Alfalfa requires more water than just about any other crop.

By: Gary Luskey Sat, 11 Feb 2023 19:12:01 +0000 Interesting to read thanks for sharing

By: Wally Grey Sat, 11 Feb 2023 12:32:49 +0000 Climate Change is a political weapon and not the problem. Massive population gain in the Southwest and increased water needs are. Temperatures and rain levels in the west have not changed. This problem can and will only be solved by Nuclear Power and Desalination Plants and to anyone paying attention, this is how it will be solved. The technology is much better now and getting better. It is I n use today in the Middle East and other places. The Liberals are going to need another Avenue in their insatiable need to control people. If you are paying attention, Climate Change and Socialism go hand in hand. Also, if you are paying attention, Socialism is a failure world wide and American Patriots will never let the failed system take hold in the United States!

By: Patrick R. Roach Sat, 11 Feb 2023 08:57:29 +0000 I’ve been in Las Vegas for 33 years and raised all my children here and retired from the plumbing trade recently mostly new construction on the commercial side and residential I see them breaking ground on new projects and if you know anything about construction then you know that the water wasted on every project is astronomical, just keeping the dust down which by law they have to takes a huge amount of water.l know we can be doing so much more than we are the developments the casinos are not going to amount to diddly squat without water not to mention what we as individuals can do to help if we don’t work together all our lives spent building a life in Las Vegas will come to an end sometime in the mid to end of 2024. I’m hopeful something will come to prolong it but I’m also making plans to head north east if the powers to be don’t have a viable plan in the next 6 months just to slow the usage down ..

By: Sam I Am Sat, 11 Feb 2023 06:02:32 +0000 , yet they are building like crazy. Houses casinos, and more strip malls.

If there isn’t enough water, why keep building in over crowded areas.

By: Richard Butler Sat, 11 Feb 2023 05:51:45 +0000 The approach can be used to produce sodium hydroxide, among other products. Otherwise known as caustic soda, sodium hydroxide can be used to pretreat seawater going into the desalination plant. This changes the acidity of the water, which helps to prevent fouling of the membranes used to filter out the salty water — a major cause of interruptions and failures in typical reverse osmosis desalination plants.

By: Rick L Daniels Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:29:20 +0000 Stop bringing in more people over the border, more people equals more water usage and more crops more electricity

By: Cactus man Fri, 10 Feb 2023 23:27:15 +0000 Maybe, just maybe 50+ million people living in a desert could be the reason for the enormous strain on water resources!!??

By: Linda (in Southern California) Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:47:00 +0000 Why can’t water/Snow be trucked down from Canada?? They have hazardous snow falls there. Trucking would not impact wildlife, and the snow/water would not have the unwanted toxins that the Mississippi might have. The Midwest could keep their needed water, and Canada could be relieved of some un-needed snow. No pipelines needed for trucking. If snow could be kept frozen by refrigerated trucks, it could be transported easily. The
Coquahala highway in Canada is always getting tons of snow. Please look into this.

By: Linda (in Southern California) Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:40:49 +0000 Why can’t water/Snow be trucked down from Canada?? They have hazardous snow falls there. Trucking would not impact wildlife, and the snow/water would not have the unwanted toxins that the Mississippi might have. The Midwest could keep their needed water, and Canada could be relieved of some un-needed snow. No pipelines needed for trucking. If snow could be kept frozen by refrigerated trucks, it could be transported easily. The c
Coquahala highway in Canada is always getting tons of snow. Please look into this.

By: Leana Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:07:32 +0000 Cully has hit the nail on the head.
Our government is too busy borrowing money from China to send to Ukraine and dozens of other countries, to have to worry about US citizens.
The leader in Ukraine has already informed us on video that once the war is over between Ukraine and Russia, America is going to rebuild the infrastructure of the country of Ukraine.
It’s “America Last” once again.

California could easily supply its own state with water through the desaltation process. But even californiaans don’t matter to the Federal government.

By: Leana Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:54:32 +0000 Less agricultural reliance?!?! The solution to the water shortages to not grow food anymore? We are already dependent on China for everything else including our prescription drugs, do we really want to leave ourselves open and vulnerable when it comes to our food supply?

By: Jim Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:23:53 +0000 Deposit salt waste in the salt flats of Utah…problem solved.

By: Cody Morris Fri, 10 Feb 2023 17:04:47 +0000 The Scott from Minnesota’s are the idiots we have to thank for problems like this btw. Those that think not being able to own coloreds and women shouldn’t have any rights – and that’s why the Colorado river…..

By: Barbara Gingerich Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:47:14 +0000 This is wrong for water usage.
Diverting water is the wrong solution.
City growth, such as Las Vegas, must take into account the water needs of the population. If you do not water, do not build.

By: Austin Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:14:59 +0000 Stop over building and over populating areas that cannot sustain it! Move out of the desert if you want water. Use common sense.

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