abc jili loginAf777 app download,REGISTER NOW GET FREE 888 PESOS REWARDS! Latest Casino and Gaming News Wed, 03 Nov 2021 07:25:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kristal Ilboudo Wed, 03 Nov 2021 07:25:16 +0000 Most of the people on here white racist it’s just sad how you try to blame everything on blacks u should be ashamed of yourself but a lot of times it’s the white race doing the most out here begging on the streets drugs are at a all time high people have a personal choice to act how they wanna act but I’m black and I’m always in Vegas it’s sad because your so privileged in your race with everything that u throw a fit when things don’t go how u think they should face it blacks have more money now a days and can afford to do what they want to do even if they raised the rates which some rates are very expensive at MGM you still would see blacks because most people who come to Vegas usually have a lot of money with them so u blaming the black community blame yourself for being a racist

By: Namor Fri, 27 Aug 2021 00:42:27 +0000 Where ever there’s a concentration of blacks and Mexicans, there gonna crime. Vegas lately got Hella black people that’s why crimes are going up. It’s just not right seeing a bunch poor black people with their sagging pants going to the like of gucci and chanel. Guess those government stimulus really boosted their way of life at least for the short run. Well after August guess there will be more excuses for them to commit more crimes.

By: Las Vegas no longer Sun, 30 May 2021 18:27:01 +0000 This is a old post but I just returned from Vegas and wow, I don’t think we would ever go back. I would call it feeling unsafe, but I also recognize that the the crowd has changed.

When I went to school in SoCal (2007/2012) my friends and I used to drive to Vegas and have fantastic weekends. It felt classy, something special. PH was the cheaper hotel at the time and it felt nice, still. I’ve always liked staying at The Venetian or palazzo because it was beautiful and further from the strip = fewer drunk kids but now it just feels…trashy. We probably won’t go back because of the crowd of people, and that’s a shame because there are so many good restaurants in Las Vegas.

By: Mirin Sun, 04 Apr 2021 11:54:08 +0000 My sister is a RN and I work for a lab. We were offered a free night at the Venetian last September. We have stayed there before, because it’s very classy and elegant. That was not the case in September! The massive crowd was unruly, very loud and constant fights in the hotel casino and lobby. We had a suite on the 28th floor and a couple in the room next to us fought for hours both nights we were there. We called Security at least twice each night. And security would come and talk to the couple, they would leave the suite and come back an hour later and start fighting again. We have been to Vegas for the past 30 years at least twice a year. We have always loved it but this was something we’ve never experienced. Our taxi driver who had been working there for 20 years, said he’s never seen anything like it! We can only hope it gets better sooner than later. It was not the Vegas that we know at all!

By: Frank Gillardo Sat, 13 Feb 2021 23:22:48 +0000 It’s very simple economics that is driving the Vegas experience right now. Rooms for $27.00 per night, $750.00 per month (Yes that’s the rates on the strip) are cheaper than paying $2,000.00 + for a cruddy apartment in L.A… So now L.A. has come to Vegas to sell dope and prostitutes and of course the problems have followed too. Vegas is done, too P.C., too many liberals run it. The Mob made sure it was run right back in the good old days., Enjoy your declining urban trash hole all you democrats, you bought it, you own it! I will be spending my money in Macao.

By: Uncle Moe Mon, 08 Feb 2021 21:41:50 +0000 Looking at the webcams and watching recent fight videos on youtube says it all. Vegas has gone ghetto. If you go it’s best to stay in a high-end resort to limit exposure to the low lifes and gangsta thugs now prevalent and rampaging in the city.

By: Vivian Fri, 08 Jan 2021 10:38:21 +0000 I wrote a comment but it seem to be delet it . I was on Vegas by September 2020. Was chaotic , a total different people , I use to go 1 time a year for the last 7 years, and I said to my self that I will never go back until the situation change . Low rate rooms bring all that animal over there. It was just disgusting .

By: RJ Thu, 22 Oct 2020 05:08:13 +0000 It’s the weed/marijuana being sold everywhere in LV and the crowds smoking it along the strip is out of control. Count me out LV until that’s cleaned up!!!

By: Bozo Thu, 15 Oct 2020 22:29:46 +0000 Whoever said the fights were due to “right wing extremists” didn’t watch the videos.

By: Skip S Tue, 13 Oct 2020 17:08:35 +0000 This is all very sad but to be expected. Its especially troubling that my people on the lower end of the economic spectrum seem to be quite visible and (violent) troublemakers. That being said, Vegas has always been a hub of lowlifes of all colors. I feel sorry for that place, as none of my white collar friends would dream of going there until we are post pandemic. No easy solution to this.

By: Kat Mon, 05 Oct 2020 05:29:09 +0000 I’ve never been to Las Vegas and I’d like to go for Christmas this year and I want to stay at the Palazzo or the Venetian, it’s disheartening to read these comments. I don’t know if I want to go anymore.

By: danglingdave Sun, 04 Oct 2020 11:27:48 +0000 The reason is not low room rates, it is that people are no longer scared of the law, scared of rule as they know they no longer have to be responsible for their actions as they know if they get arrested the courts will be soft on them and they will be out as soon as they are in. If busted for violence, the law needs to be quick, harsh and non forgiving. These people are emboldened. It is not the room rates, it is the people. Im sure they act the same way where they are from, have been busted and never really faced any punishment, so they do it again, and again and again then take it on the road to Vegas or wherever else they go.

By: Vegas No Time Soon Sun, 27 Sep 2020 02:15:18 +0000 I’m very disheartened to read these comments. I’ve been coming to Vegas since 2003 sometimes 3 to 4 times a year. I have seen people of all races act a fool when in Vegas. This year due to COVID we have cancelled all of reservations to Vegas. All black people are not ratchet or ghetto. Blame the damn hotels and airlines for rock bottom prices that attracted the classless of all races to Vegas. Who in the hell you would expect to show up with 37.00 round trip ticket to Vegas?

By: Seymour Butz Wed, 23 Sep 2020 23:06:24 +0000 I live here and work on the strip. The problem is there’s way too many black people that are coming here and causing trouble. They’re smoking marijuana right out in the open. They’re drunk and disorderly. They’re walking around with their pants pulled down below their ass. They’re riding those pain in the ass scooters everywhere. Las Vegas is disgusting right now and now you all know why.

By: William Medve Mon, 21 Sep 2020 11:55:05 +0000 I agree with Dustin D. Marks . I’ve been in town for 34 years it has nothing to do with hotel room rates , they’re still too high . 95% of the people gambling have more money than me . 35 years ago you could catch a free tour bus to the Sands as long as u had $10 in your pocket . I’ve seen on weekends people causing trouble and there betting 100s or more . Some of the problems stem from having nightclubs in casinos . Keep them separate . Most of these bean counters who manage the casinos need to be let go also. Vegas needs more gamblers and less drunks and druggies

By: Sergeant Maj. Wed, 16 Sep 2020 23:01:14 +0000 Yeah, Vegas has got to restrict that rifle toting “demographic” that killed 60 and injured 800 others from his low-rate, actually free room at Mandalay Bay.

By: Radagast Brown Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:41:01 +0000 As a white man, if you are afraid of someone just because they are young and black not alone are you an ignorant racist but you are also a coward. Young white boys and men cause just as much trouble if not much more, than young black men.

I would much rather hang out with what these racists call, a young “urban”( read: black) crowd, than a whole bunch of fat ignorant Trump loving white people.

And I have been to Vegas well over 25 times and I was told by several hosts that while not a whale or a high roller I was at the lower end of the high rollers and I earned free rooms at the top resorts all the time. I have bet more than 10 grand on a single football game and I have played blackjack for a grand a hand.

By: Radagast Brown Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:32:05 +0000 You have done a great job of attracting a whole bunch of ignorant, hateful, uneducated racists. I hope they all get covid19. As a 50 year old white person I would much rather hang out with a bunch young black people than ignorant Trump supporting racists.

By: Radagast Brown Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:28:20 +0000 Do you seriously think drunk and high white boys don’t cause fights? Please!
One lady wrote, “I’m not racist but…”…..Yes,you are most definitely the dictionary definition of a “racist”, as were most of the comments here. As a white person I would much rather hangout with some young black people than a bunch of ugly, old, fat, unattractive white racists.
Seriously, have you ever seen an attractive Trump supporter? All of the talented and beautiful people in this country hate Trump, as do the educated. Only ignorant whites like Trump.
Wow, this is sad how racist America is. We have always been this racist, but with the Fat Orange Blob in the White House the racists feel emboldened to speak their ignorant minds. Face it you lily white morons are just scared of people with a different skin color. America will only heal when these ignorant racists die off. I hope all the racists get covid19.

By: Candace Young-Richey Tue, 15 Sep 2020 20:54:21 +0000 I’m a Las Vegan, I play slots a little (mostly at the Wynn, which is my favorite casino, and the Bellagio), am a technical writer, and am more than a bit disturbed by some of the comments here. Las Vegas is a normal city in many ways — it has problems (as do all communities) and many strengths the best of which is diversity. Many diverse people and groups built this town and its industries, work hard to support themselves and their families, are my appreciated and valued neighbors, and have helped to make the Las Vegas Valley the wonderful community it is — Vegas Strong. Regarding some of the comments here: Being a writer, I’m seeing some similar patterns and styles (syntax, punctuation, the same spelling errors, trying to fake an English language barrier, similar theme, etc.) in some of these comments that are supposed to be composed by different commenters (because they’re posted under different names/monikers). But, my suspicious nature tells me that they are being written and posted by the same person who, obviously has an agenda to either make themselves feel important, ruin business in Las Vegas, or stoke racial division which is the last damned thing our city, or our precious country, needs right now or ever. I’m just sayin’…readers should take some, or even most, of these posted comments with a grain-of-salt, do the research on what people here are claiming (beyond the verifiable news story they’re supposed to be commenting on), then make up your own mind about whether or not to visit the best city I know and love.

By: Marie Aintoinette Tue, 15 Sep 2020 07:49:07 +0000 This is what happens when you lower the room rates…riffraffs, people with no manners, classless ….etc. These are the kinds of people who could’nt otherwise afford these kinds of rooms.

Raise the rates to pre-covid and we wont be seeing these kinds of people ever.

By: Sergeant Maj. Tue, 15 Sep 2020 01:50:39 +0000 What’s this coded “demographic” stuff. Police the rule breakers, arrest those who break the law and and let the good times roll in Vegas.

By: RichardD Mon, 14 Sep 2020 18:50:32 +0000 Remember when airline tickets cost more but you had free food and good legroom? Me too.

By: I. P. Freely Mon, 14 Sep 2020 15:17:57 +0000 I don’t care what color your skin might be. If you come to Las Vegas and act like an uneducated, savage fool, don’t cry foul when that is how you are perceived. And tip your server properly if they provide good service. $5 on $120?!? Guess you need the money for more weed and that scooter rental.

By: Mandy Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:53:19 +0000 Yes, I was in Vegas right before Labor Day weekend. I usually go to Vegas two or three times a year. The type of people that were there this time was horrible. They were starting fights with each other. Being lazy riding around on scooters, blaring music on personal speakers, and basically walking around naked. Don’t get me wrong, I know that Vegas can be a little seedy but good gracious I saw so many peopleS butts this trip. I also saw many people just walking through the gaming area pushing buttons in hopes that someone forgot money in the machines. It was pure craziness. Honestly I probably won’t go back for some time. Vegas is not fun or enjoyable with all of that going on. They should keep the prices high and then comp rooms based on play or give comps based on good previous play. I hope they get a grip on it because I’m sure that others like me will distance ourselves from Vegas if it doesn’t change.

By: Elver galarga Sun, 13 Sep 2020 02:43:23 +0000 Bro.. is full of guetto ass people. btw I’m a local and I know what I’m talking about. Please bring back the cool people , the people with class and the excited crowds.

By: Bob Sat, 12 Sep 2020 16:37:48 +0000 Everyone comes to Vegas to have a good time. Nowadays anyone can afford to come here. I live here and see these visitors come with their mind set that they can do anything they wish and get away with it. Our society has gotten to the point where no one is responsible for their actions. The young people are now the ones letting their hair down since they have been locked in for so long and some still are. The crowd, a large amount from California, will continue to come because to quote them Vegas is a party city. These people will continue to come. Prices were reduced because this city relies on tourism and because of our governor we now need people to visit in order to survive. The shutdown hurt and almost killed this city. It has gotten to the point where people in this country will go anywhere to get out and someplace where they can get close to normality. Unfortunately the younger crowd will overdo it.

By: Timothy sherburne Sat, 12 Sep 2020 04:59:40 +0000 Governor shitsolek
Our murderous governor
Reopened the casino’s June 4 NOT requiring everyone to wear a mask. 1400 plus Nevadans dead as a result.
Now we got the thugs coming here causing trouble while ole Shitsolek hides in bunker. Great job shitsolek..
You will be one and DONE.

By: Wisc Sat, 12 Sep 2020 04:08:08 +0000 Recently moved from Las Vegas after 34 yrs used to be a fun town-now ghetto trash.

By: C Sat, 12 Sep 2020 04:00:53 +0000 Did someone see all these fights? All black people involved! Someone said, radical right-wingers? Hahaha! I didn’t know blacks were right-wingers!

By: Martha Sat, 12 Sep 2020 03:48:15 +0000 I see these commentsblaming radical right-wing, and it’s not! I’m a resident here in Las Vegas and California, and I will tell you first hand its BLM and Democrats. All these Democratic cities and states are ones being burned down. Those Democrat leaders didn’t get elected by Right-wing radicals. So stop spreading lies

By: RJE Sat, 12 Sep 2020 03:38:36 +0000 I lived in Las Vegas for almost 34 yrs-used to be a great place to live-I saw this coming and am glad to be back living in Wisconsin-Las Vegas good riddance!

By: Chad Sat, 12 Sep 2020 01:06:12 +0000 Gotta be honest. I’m Republican, but I saw a LOT of drunken white, college-age hooligans acting stupid, causing destruction and chanting Trump’s name. I agree – being back shows, concerts and throw these jerks in jail!

By: Vernon Nelson, Sr. Sat, 12 Sep 2020 00:36:31 +0000 After reading all of the comments regarding the savage like blacks that invaded our wonderful city of Las Vegas, it comes as no surprise that they destroyed, casino property, wreaked havoc all over the World Famous Strip, acted like wild animals and demonstrated their willful disrespect for the Casino Property, their employees, and responsible guests. There has to be reckoning for these undignified, classless and EVIL BASTARDS. SISOLAK our feckless Governor needs to do more to control the behavior on the Strip. LAS Vegas may never be the same again. There should be National Guard patrols in Casino Areas or perhaps we should allow the mobsters to return and take over. If the mob ran VEGAS the black savages wouldn’t dare even think about coming here.

On a personal experience. On Labor Day I put a Trump sign in my front yard. The following Wednesday, I received a threatening phone call from a black man. He knew my name, my wife’s Name our address exactly where we lived. His message was: I’m going to “FUCK YOU UP and FUCK YOUR WIFE” needless to say, we’ve been fearful of going to our door or going to bed. It’s hard to believe this could ever happen in the USA.

By: Tamil Bergenpoffer Sat, 12 Sep 2020 00:04:51 +0000 But what is the problem? Diversity is our GREATEST STRENGTH! So what if people choose to trash their hotel rooms, piss off the balcony into the pool or drop their already sagging pants and do #2 on the floor of the casino! We are a TOLERANT people, we will TOLERATE it! Besides, ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL. So many people are upset about being surrounded by the savagely-behaved, being mugged, or shot, or vomited upon. Well maybe they just need to be more UNDERSTANDING and ACCEPTING of these beautiful, diverse and unique cultural norms. This is the GLORIOUS TAPESTRY that our Neo-Liberal, Modern and Enlightened Leadership has brought us. And it’s a good thing! Now go and CONSUME and don’t worry about taking that cash advance, VEGAS IS CALLING!

By: Anton Anonsen Fri, 11 Sep 2020 23:44:41 +0000 It’s horrfic! I just wangted to have a nice family break with my wife and her son. If i wanted a level 4 chimpout I would have vacationed in Detroit.

By: Mark Mentges Fri, 11 Sep 2020 23:22:09 +0000 We literally just returned from Las Vegas to San Diego. I am a Ceasars Diamond member for three years now, and we have been going to LV for over 20 years. I also noticed very bad behavior, and mobility carts being used by young kids for kicks, nearly knocking people down. We both said, “without shows, without bars being open, and with many restaurants closed, what is the point of even going to Las Vegas? We don’t drink a lot, but we always stop to cool off with a nice Margarita in the afternoon – now one has to have food as the bars are closed. I know shows can’t go on with Covid, but perhaps some outdoor venues could be set up for entertainment. There really is nothing to do – even Hoover Dam was closed.

By: Michelle Jackson Fri, 11 Sep 2020 22:06:33 +0000 This is not about BLM,nor about politics Chuckwick,and Dustin it’s about stupid people like you.


By: Chooch Fri, 11 Sep 2020 21:43:42 +0000 I was there in late july. Looked like a Tarzan movie with hordes of unruly loud dirty individuals looking for trouble. Will not return to LV anytime soon!

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