OKJL Casino Login Register,REGISTER NOW GET FREE 888 PESOS REWARDS! https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/ Latest Casino and Gaming News Sat, 16 Jan 2021 03:18:26 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4 By: Keenan https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-9/#comment-57908 Sat, 16 Jan 2021 03:18:26 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-57908 Dude this Governor has definitely lost my support and my vote im really starting to believe he’s an idiot !!!! This shit is stupid we wouldn’t need back-pay if you would just get the ball rolling with our payments !!!!! Like wtf and stop saying you understand because truth of the matter is YOU DONT !!!! Fuckin bullshit your not facing what most of us are your bills are paid I’m sure and I can guarantee if you were in some of our shoes then and only then would you fully understand. This proves your not fit for the position your in right now and you should have been 10 steps ahead of this were sick of the pointing fingers passing the blame fuckin pay us I have to get up every fuckin morning checking for a payment that I don’t see nor an update to my claim. Bunch of fucking shitheads behind this monumental FUCK UP LITERALLY !!!!!

By: Roycettia Crowell https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-55559 Thu, 12 Nov 2020 19:58:56 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-55559 I am a single mother with a 6 month old. I filed for pua and received my card but it still says pending. I’ve been waiting a couple of months. I’m currently trying to find work and My rent is due and I owe back pay that my landlord as we speak is trying to evict me over. They continue to give us 7 day notices even though we’re making payments. Times are hard and Vegas makes to much money for us to be struggling like this. Homelessness is only going to lead to more sickness which is gonna lead to more death. I need help Mr. Governor what are you going to do to save us?

By: Daniel Baez https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-54178 Tue, 22 Sep 2020 06:46:14 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-54178 I have filed for 28 weeks strait and I’m compliant and up to date with all of my documents. I still haven’t seen one penny of my unemployment benefits. When the pendemic started. Alot of nevadan residents received payment right away and still I haven’t seen one bit of it. And I still file my weekly certification like a pendejo waiting for my benefits. I guess it’s one of those , it’s not what you know. It’s who you know situation. Anyway am anyone tell me how can I get my benefits released

By: Cynthia Bergstrom https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-53419 Wed, 09 Sep 2020 21:43:31 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-53419 I have a claim thats been in for awhile. I applied for the extended benefits and was asked to answer questions. I answered questions regarding my last two jobs, and something triggered saying I answered something wrong. I clicked on the highlighted questions, answered them and it kept saying interview by 9/3. Well, that date has come and gone and I cannot get through. I called any number I could find and found out that I needed to fill ou a FF form, Direct Fact Finding form. But it is nowhere on the site. Im about to pull my hair out.

By: Marion https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-51924 Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:38:51 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-51924 I filed and recieved unemployment for 2 whole weeks before my employer LIED and said I refused work when reality is after I told them I was in contact with someone running a fever they told me DONT COME BACK. I havent recieved unemployment for 14 weeks. I sent my appeal in immediately as I have proof in texts affirming they told me not to return. I have waited 10 weeks since the appeal was sent in. No mail, no call, no hearing set nothing. I apply for 20 jobs a day on indeed and not one phone call for interview, nothing. I am loosing my animals, my home, my car, my life. No one cares……they have jobs. I am 55 and have never been unemployed or without a job. This has destroyed me and everything I have worked for all my life. In 2 weeks I will be homeless. If someone would just pick up my appeal and process it they would see my employer lied and none of it was my fault. No one will until I am homeless with no phone and wont ever know. It’s frustrating when I have 12,000.00 owed to me and meanwhile my life is ending because I dont have a dime coming in. This is a joke. My life is ending and they complain about how busy they are. I would gladly trade places in a heart beat.

By: Eyes Wide Open https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-50546 Tue, 14 Jul 2020 06:20:28 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-50546 My wife filed weeks ago. Same results as everyone else!!! How do you like your California Democrat influx of power grabbers now??? Recalls and impeachments are in order!!! Good luck to everybody who needs help!

By: Corinne https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-50430 Fri, 10 Jul 2020 18:25:11 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-50430 Clover Health Nashville

By: Cynthia E Whitford https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-50175 Fri, 03 Jul 2020 02:22:27 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-50175 I have not had a paycheck since March. I have used used up all of my resources and have no husband or boyfriend to help. My siblings all live on the east coast and are not doing well either. I have $4 until my money is deposited on my card. I am wondering if I did everything right on my paperwork to the PUA. They don’t tell you that you screwed up. They just leave you hanging. I call them everyday all day from 8am till 3pm. No answer. We people who have qualified for PUA are left out in the cold to starve to death. I can’t sleep at night.

By: Steve Somodi https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-49970 Thu, 25 Jun 2020 13:21:26 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-49970 I filed for traditional unemployment immediately after the casinos were closed on March 17, I am an independent contractor with no W2 but 1099. I was turned down because I showed no earnable employee earning credits. Then the Govenor sent his unemployment email. I then filed for PUA unemployment through the new site. Sent my doc”s proving my status and waited a month while my case was being reviewed. Finally I received a disqualification letter stating I was turned down because I was eligible for other unemployment services (traditional) though they had disqualified me previously. Letter said I could appeal and to follow directions to appeal on the site, the only way you can appeal. I follow the directions and there in no appeal link where you are directed to go. I’ve tried to get through on the phone (no such luck), I emailed several messages (not heard anything back), I’ve messaged the Governor and Represenitive Titus, no answer. I have a deadline date for filing an appeal. What a joke!

By: Angel c.r. https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-49775 Wed, 17 Jun 2020 03:25:59 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-49775 It took way too long to have the link for EUC to appear on the claimant homepage, plus on top of that the issues delaying payment seem to be a something they must be proud of. In my case I’ve been having issues dp for over a month now without being able to get a representative to call back to fix that. Am I suppose to be waiting until after new year’s eve to get my payments in or something? Not funny DETR

By: Elaine https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-49004 Thu, 21 May 2020 23:39:01 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-49004 My comment is a repeat of so many of you. I was furloughed from my casino job on March 17 and immediately filed for unemployment online on March 18. Our employer paid us one week of wages after we were laid off, so I claimed that income when filing. Sure enough, for 9 weeks now, my claim has said “deductible income, pending resolution.” I, too, have called every morning since April 1, only to hear a constant busy signal, or be told my call did not go through, or “we’re sorry, all circuits are busy at this time,” or finally, when it does ring, I hear a recorded message that says all of their queues are filled for the day and to try back the next. I have thought many times that I want to give up trying to reach someone by phone, but what else do I have to do? Certainly not able to go to work right now. I have only received the $1200.00 stimulus check on April 15, but no unemployment benefits or the extra $600.00 per week. Some of my coworkers did not claim the check we were given after we were furloughed, and they have been receiving their unemployment benefits plus the extra $600.00 per week. The unemployment website says it is fraud to not claim any and all earnings for the week applying. I have read many blogs, and those of us who are still waiting to be paid will supposedly receive retroactive pay, which should be a good-sized check when it arrives, but it is not doing anyone any good right now. I have read where there are over 51,000 claims with the “deductible income, pending resolution” problem. I also read where the unemployment offices will be open on Saturday and Sunday, but I am not sure when that will start. I have emailed Governor Sisolak’s office twice so far, the first time 5 weeks ago asking why the unemployment offices were not open on the weekends during this crisis, and the second time 3 weeks ago to personally ask him to call and assist me with my claim. Surprisingly, I have not received any response … LOL! I, too, will probably be back to work before benefits start rolling in. There is no specific date yet when all casinos will be allowed to open. The casino where I work has submitted their pre- and post-opening plans to the Gaming Commission and are awaiting word. The owner also stated that it is possible not all employees will be invited back initially due to low volumes. I am wishing everyone good luck and agree that our elected officials have some explaining to do. As far as Governor Sisolak goes, I never vote Democrat anyway, but I do hope he incurs a lot of complaints and consequences over this. Take care.

By: Darlene Pittman https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-48961 Wed, 20 May 2020 03:24:52 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48961 Like everyone, I have filed for my unemployment 7 weeks ago. What is the problem, we all got laid off due to the coronavirus. So the unemployment filing should just be pushed through, NO reviewing each and every case, we all have the same case.
We need the money now to live on, not when the unemployment office decides to give it to us.
Reading these comments on here, we are all suffering with the same thing on our claims, “Pending Resolution” what does that mean anyway? There is no ” RESOLUTION” it’s called “CORONAVIRUS” and it’s here to stay for a long time, so it doesn’t have to be “REVIEWED” or “PENDING” it needs to be taken care of now, and get us our money, so we don’t lose our homes, are family’s are fed, the bills get paid.
We need to hear something about our claim’s.
This is very, very stressful.

By: Cheryl I Mccarthy-Kane https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-48880 Fri, 15 May 2020 18:20:20 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48880 I too have not got a respond about my claim. I filed at the request of my employer of 3 weeks. I was furloughed on March 14; filed a week later,got a letter of Monetary Benefits at 440 a week. That’s it!! We do need to get rid of all the Las Vegas based Governor, and all the rest of of are so called rep and senators!!! Its really sad when the welfare office calls people the next day, but the unemployment office doesn’t call in almost 3 months!!!!!! I’m with everyone else all I do is cry, so depressed, don’t know where to turn, can’t get a response from anyone!!! It must be nice to pay bills or use your car, because you have gas for it, and buy toilet paper, instead of using a rag, because you don’t have any money for 2 and a half months. The people that we voted for are worthless!!! Let them have the joy of wiping their asses with their own hands!!!!!!! Fed up with the government of Nevada they only care about their prestige not the people Time For Them To GO!!!!!!!!

By: Marnie https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-48878 Fri, 15 May 2020 15:41:35 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48878 Called unemployment as many as 500 times a day since March 20th to no avail. Website crashes, can’t get any help. How are people supposed to survive months out of work and no way to get unemployment? Does anyone in charge of this fiasco have to worry about feeding their children? I think not. I am disappointed in my state and my countries leaders. Shame on you

By: Latimer https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-48867 Thu, 14 May 2020 21:36:56 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48867 I concur with all who feel this could have been avoided if we had a governor who knew what he was doing. Sissylak obviously didn’t think this through. With the antiquated unemployment system that has been in place without alteration for as long as I can remember, the governor closed virtually all businesses in the state…except his beloved government. HE determined what was essential and what was non-essential, so keep that it mind if you do get an opportunity to return to a full-time job, when his Highness says it’s OK. If anyone is interested, I’ve been attempting to initiate a lawsuit against the State of Nevada, the Governor, and the DETR for being derelict in their duties by not planning for this debacle before instituting the shut down.

By: Denise https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-8/#comment-48824 Wed, 13 May 2020 07:32:16 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48824 I am straight gonna “GO POSTAL” here soon!!! I am up here in Reno looking for answers on all of this BS and came across all of you here! My first claim was 03/24….8 straight weeks of claiming/filing, 8 straight weeks OF NOTHING!!! Cannot get through on the phone! I have called 200+ times every day for a month and a half now only to be hung up on, disconnected, dropped, you name it! I have e-mailed and faxed also! My dogs have no food, I have no food, I lost everything in my storage now because all of this crap…yearbooks, pictures, sentimental items, etc!!! It is so sad because this is ALL FROM NO FAULT OF OUR OWN! I AM ABOUT READY TO LOSE IT!! I have worked here in this lovely state we call NEVADA (JOKE) since I was 13 years old (50 years old now) with no gaps in employment, never asked for unemployment, nothing!!! and I cannot get ANY HELP! Believe me, stuff is gonna hit the fan here soon, and I won’t be the only one “GOIN POSTAL”!! They are messing with our lively hood, our lives, our world!! Someone needs to do something SOON!!!!It is all reeking havoc on our mental states and our emotions, I cry everyday now cuz I do not know what else to do!!

By: Can We get some help or naw?? https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48800 Tue, 12 May 2020 15:15:15 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48800 Nevada’s unemployment is a huge home right now I’ve been waiting 8 week’s to receive anything.. A letter, a phone interview ANYTHING and I haven’t but yet every week I file my claim it’s telling me my payments will not be issued!! I have called every week since March 13th when I first filed and can’t get through lines always busy and when I am able to get through the call hangs up lol what a fucking joke these people are. By the time I hear from unemployment I’ll probably be back at work, then unemployment is gonna say they overpaid me LET THE BULLSHIT CONTINUE

By: George Glagola https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48776 Mon, 11 May 2020 00:54:13 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48776 As of Friday (5/8/20) DETR has received 421,300 UI claims ( the exact number reported was 421,294 ). Each claim must be reviewed and adjudicated by a member of the DETR staff which takes 15 – 30 mins. Assuming there are 200 people at DETR processing claims ( which is what the governor has stated ) It will take somewhere between 3 and 6 months to get those claims processed ( although I think 3 months is more than a bit optimistic ). That assumes there are no pending issues associated with the claim. Claimants and Employers have 11 days from the date of mailing to respond to a DETR inquiry which delays the process even more. So don’t expect you money to be coming anytime soon, especially if your claim is pending resolution.( The estimates above were calculated on 200 people working a standard 40 hour work week )
What I don’t understand is why the Governor, utilizing his emergency powers under NRS 414.020 has not issued an executive order to circumvent the UI regulations and adjudication process. If he can use that power shut down the state and put 400,000 people out of work he can certainly use that same power to mitigate the problems at DETR. In addition, he can contact Washington and request that he be allowed to distribute the FPUC funds immediately to all claimants while the state continues to process the existing claims and works on resolving any pending issues.

By: Kristin Irving https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48765 Sun, 10 May 2020 14:58:44 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48765 Mine says it’s open and she I go into it it states on all 4weeks no payment due to no call no show well fuck of course this state of emergency has put me home with my child and I’m a single parent it’s my only choice I can’t get through the phone lines and the help detr help email I one has replied so I’m still filing weekly but I’m growing more stressed cause I’m not getting any response

By: Tessie Jackson https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48731 Fri, 08 May 2020 07:25:51 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48731 I filed since 4/5. I reported the 2 weeks severance (not really-sure if it is severance pay because it did not say severance on my pay stubs) and vacation pay I received, since then I have gotten the notation saying payments delaying – deductible income – pending resolution. I have faxed my pay stubs and emailed them several times but no resolution or response. I been out of work since 3/17. I haven’t receive a single penny from unemployment benefits. I am trying to understand that they are overwhelmed and I am trying to be patient. I wish that they could at least let you know somehow that they have received the documents they requested and it’s being handle and please be patient. But no nothing, you are left to wonder. I answered every questions in all honesty and truthfully to my best of my ability. I reported everything that my company paid me and all this experienced taught me is that you are being punished for being honest.
I know that there are people that did not report those payments and they are getting paid, but still I am hoping for the best. I pray and hope that everyone will soon get some resolution to whatever issues they may be having.

By: Lois Kost https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48697 Wed, 06 May 2020 19:05:10 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48697 I’m 75 years old and work because I HAVE to. Can not live on Social Security alone. I filed over two months ago and received card but no money pending resolution item. Pending resolution is over 3 weeks now. I am still waiting for stimulus check and money is running low. Can’t they fix the “pending resolution “ items???

By: Bonnie B https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48665 Tue, 05 May 2020 23:40:12 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48665 I have sent back a medical form that my dr. Filled out. I mailed it twice my dr. Faxed it AND I faxed it. They don’t show that I sent anything back! They just keep sending me the same form twice a week and it has been sent back to them 4 times. They are wasting money sending these forms over and over. I think they are just trying to justify their inadequacy by continuing to send the same form over and over. I just filed my 5th week. I check the site every day and it looks the same as it did 5 weeks ago. I know they are busy but they should not leave us in the dark.

By: Tina Maria Muro https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48632 Tue, 05 May 2020 08:14:07 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48632 Nevada should be embarrassed. I grew up here went to school here. The Governor and Mayor need to go away.There both idiots. They caused the disorganization of unemployment.
Smart people would of thought of the situation prior to shutting down. They shouls of asked the questions.
Instead they let the stampede to the unemployment systems get over run.
They were careless.

I like all of you are waiting pending resolution. Its been over a month.
I will be back to work before my claim is ever reviewed.

8 weeks or more for my unemployment
If i am lucky.

I am absolutely disgusted. Horrified.

Fyi the longer they hold on to the moneies. The more interest the state makes. Trump gave us millions and millions.

Fact during the housing crisis in 2007 the goverment gave Nevada 1 billion dollars to help keep people in their homes. Housing and Urban development got the the money. They set up an office for 6 months paid the employee’s 100k salaries.
They never helped one person.

Its all about the money.

By: scott schilling https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48584 Sun, 03 May 2020 20:53:16 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48584 I say everyone need to join in a massive class action suit for damage resulting from lost wages along with loss of property value in homes and business. If the states need money they have a lot of property they can sell off. Don’t put us all on the street, you already have a big enough problem in that regards.

By: MB https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48578 Sun, 03 May 2020 02:11:12 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48578 I hope everyone is staying optimistic in these unknown times!

I tried filing my claim online and when I submit, I receive the following message: “Your claim must be reviewed by DETR, please contact the Telephone Claims Center to submit your claim”

As everyone here already knows, it’s near impossible to get someone on the phone. My question is – what are the reasons my claim would need to be reviewed?

My last position was with an out-of-state employer. Would this automatically flag my account and make it necessary that my claim is reviewed?

I appreciate any help! Thanks!

By: mark cramer https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48561 Sat, 02 May 2020 07:31:48 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48561 im in the same boat as the rest of you and i am fucking sick of it .i have lived in nevada for 40 years and every time i file for unemployment i have to jump threw hoops and play this fucking game to get it and its fucking bullshit .there always rude and very unprofesional you might even say incompatent were do they find these people parol and probation ,drug rehab because they cant make a decision they cant even send you a letter to let you no if you get it or not . we need to all stand together and make sure they pay us from the day we filed and dont let them play the fucking stupid game that they like to play.there nit picken every single claim thats all they do since the first time i filed so dont let them screw you.

By: Robbie Howard https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48545 Fri, 01 May 2020 16:17:35 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48545 TOTALLY MESSED UP!!!!! I think we need to run the next protest at Sisolaks home in Spanish Trails

By: jan nichols https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48528 Fri, 01 May 2020 00:59:13 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48528 my sister applied 22nd week in march , got card has received no payment other than 1200.00 stimulas she got severance check for 80 hours about 2 weeks later declred that was put on pending resolution. over month goes by nothing . it went so long her file dropped out of system. she reapplied still nothing

By: Rich https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48526 Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:42:18 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48526 As a full time musician, 100% of my work is self-employed. STILL no info on when or how to file for benefits from this pandemic as a 1099 worker. Now finally down to my last months of rent here and after this I will be completely broke. I know a ton of other musicians in town who are dealing with the same issue. I have been attempting to call them for 3 weeks every single day, 9+ hours a day and STILL haven’t been able to speak with anyone about this and I have been extremely persistent. Every time I get close to talking to someone the automated teller says that all employees are busy and to call back later, or says the que has been filled for the day, then hangs up!!! ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. Us self employed workers NEED ASSISTANCE NOW.

By: sally Taba https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48509 Wed, 29 Apr 2020 20:23:20 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48509 My husband and my daughter both filed at the same time which is over 3 weeks ago, both got approved, both got their cards in the mail, my daughter started getting paid for her weekly and the extra 600.00 and my husband hasn’t received anything so far. We check the card everyday and the balance is 0.00 and we try to call and it either rings busy or they cant take any more calls for the day, we need to pay for food and bills???

By: Dave https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-7/#comment-48422 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:08:09 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48422 Not eligible for a regular claim. How is this going to work when filing the weekly claim option? I have filed for 5 weeks now and still no information at all. Don’t even know if they have looked at my account. The system is an absolute joke.

By: Sandra https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48421 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:56:27 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48421 When is Unemployment going to do something with a payment delay. I have been calling, faxing and emailing for 4 weeks. My status is open. Sisolak can I have Your Address to send My Bills?

By: Chris G https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48412 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 03:56:23 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48412 I am tired of calling everyday only to hear a constant busy signal.? I want the online DETR website to allow me to request a call back and provide me with an approximate time and date on when contact will be made.? I don’t care if they tell me in 2 weeks, a month, or several months.? I want to log in daily to see updates on the proposed time.? They could even create a simple webpage dedicated to this that is separate from the one that requires a user name and password. I suggest a group of protesters gather at the homes of those in charge and demand action and guidance of when this backlog will be cleared. These are names of those in charge at DETR:

Dr. Tiffany Tyler-Garner
Director, Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation

Dennis Perea
Deputy Director, Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation

Kimberly Gaa
Administrator for the Employment Security Division

Dr. Marilyn Delmont
Administrator for the Information Development and?Processing Division

Let’s stage a PEACEFUL protest either at their offices or homes! I think a hunger strike would be appropriate considering many of us don’t have money for food.

By: Alberto Calapine https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48386 Mon, 27 Apr 2020 01:26:25 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48386 I filed for two weeks already but until now I don’t receive any money for both. I sent emails no response too.

By: Bruce Kallage https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48337 Sun, 26 Apr 2020 02:39:02 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48337 People of Nevada remember these days when its time to vote in next election. Our Governor and Mayor have let us down. And now people really need to survive no where to turn to. I myself is hurting but i try everyday to help anywhere i can. Hang in there.

By: JR https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48332 Sat, 25 Apr 2020 13:35:58 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48332 IT’S HOPELESS, I last worked 3/16 and when tried to file on line I was told to file by phone. Cant get through. Phone lines are useless. New call center is useless too as I was told after 1 h and 1/2 to keep calling the same number which is busy or queu is full. Faxed, emailed numerous numbers and people. I haven’t gotten ONE response. Used all my savings. I’m desperate!!

By: jan https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48327 Sat, 25 Apr 2020 02:25:00 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48327 i received 2 payments in late mar and 1st week in apr. received severance check of 2 weeks from boyd gaming on the 9th of apr. reported this to them as per usual. have been on pending resolution ever since. my sister apply mid apr. received same thing severance mid march. has been on pending resolution since than has not got any py at all whats the deal with you guys at unemploment

By: K https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48323 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 22:07:16 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48323 Reading these comments make me feel that I am not alone!
I have tried my self, hundreds of times to get through to unemployment. I have emailed,I have faxed, I have sent them hard copies (signature required) several times . I did this many times! The countless hours that I sit on the phone or writing letters to get a resolution is mind boggling. It shouldn’t be this hard.
I get it! If our system can’t handle the number of people, then our Governor needs to up their plan with more people and more phone lines to handle the overwhelming number of people suffering from our forced shut down of our economy.There are many people that are out of jobs that could be trained to do this!
I am now reaching out to our Representatives to come together for the state of Nevada and help our people! We need a better plan so we are all not homeless and worried how are we going to make it and for how long can we do this with no help that we were forced into!
What would our governing officials do then?
Our people of Nevada will be doing a catch up scenario for months to come on back payments of bills not paid! How is that going to stimulate an economy?
Please help your people that stood behind you when you were elected!
We need your help in this desperate times of unknown chartered waters!
Help us with our needs!

By: Max https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48322 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:22:37 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48322 There is a current recall underway to remove Governor Sisolak. We have to get rid of this a**hole ASAP! SIGN THE RECALL PETITION NOW

By: Craig Peterson https://www.777jili.tv/news/nevada-unemployment-benefits-delayed-workers-told-they-will-be-paid/comment-page-6/#comment-48320 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:10:33 +0000 https://www.777jili.tv/news/?p=132306#comment-48320 Open unemployment claim call center 24 hours. Do not hire outside source just to answer general questions.

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