login,Recharge Every day and Get Bonus up-to 50%! Latest Casino and Gaming News Fri, 16 Jun 2023 05:35:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ss Fri, 16 Jun 2023 05:35:56 +0000 I hope to God someone sues these cheating assholes. I did ok my 1st year playing blitz 21, they then started matching me against the top ten players. I could never win against them. They advertise that it is skill based and you will be matched accordingly, but that is not true. I won 2nd place in the country playing the charter tournament for this same game.

By: Cj Thu, 11 May 2023 12:34:58 +0000 I’ve actually twice put up perfect scores like there’s no possible way to put up higher except by a time bonus which at very most could be 700 (that’s if I took all the time and player finished in a sec so usual time bonuses are 100-250 dif) and lost by 4000 and 5000+ points . 1st time got refunded 2nd time got the hell out.

By: Tiffany Thu, 04 May 2023 04:14:10 +0000 Can we all come together and start a class action suit against Skillz? I’m serious. This is ridiculous. I knew I was not the only one this shit has been happening to! We really should file a suit. I guarantee there are so many more people out there like us with similar stories of being cheated by these crooks!

By: David Monk Mon, 31 Oct 2022 22:09:45 +0000 In bingo they will call the same numbers over and over and I will hit perfect daubs there is hardly any numbers call score 5000 your opponent scores 20000
And no option of replay it is definitely a scam you can lose 18.00 in 10 games but only make 12.00

By: Connor Layman Mon, 31 Oct 2022 17:02:16 +0000 Skillz is without a doubt a dodgy scam! They accused me of abusing their replay feature, which was total bull, and banned me anyway even though I stopped watching replays. Skillz ENCOURAGES their players to watch and study winning replays, and spectate what the pros do. That’s basically all I was doing! You’d think they’d be very clear with their ads, but no! Speaking of which, they’re biting off more than they can chew when it comes to paying for marketing and advertising. Last year alone, they spent nearly a third of a BILLION dollars on advertising their company with their revenues being less than that. What’s the point of studying replays to get better at these games if you’re going to get flagged and banned for doing so?! I’m not a cheat. I have a 118 IQ, and a 97 percentile working memory! Didn’t even make any effort to resolve the flag either, they flat-out ignored my explanation and banned me anyway. These guys obviously don’t care about their customers, and they don’t deserve to be in business any longer.

By: Scott Fri, 15 Jul 2022 02:21:08 +0000 Yes there is definitely something shady with the delay on match-ups. I believe they are just waiting till a higher score comes along then they match it with your lower score. Also their bot use is insane. And so obvious. Also Ive actually noticed during game play my points not being credited for every winning shot. It was happening every once in a while. But as I got better and started winning it started being every other 2 or 3 shots it wouldnt get credited.

By: Melinda Stoda Mon, 30 May 2022 17:05:54 +0000 I have a screen recording of them using players to cheat several in fact one game shows the other player made Three moves then at the end their score trailed mine by 20,000 exactly as the game ended and final scores were posted then they say you are supposed to have the same cards as the opponent during match hands and this is not always true I have screen recordings of this as well. Why isn’t there an attorney‘s office out there that will do a class action lawsuit the proof is in the bag easy money for an attorney‘s office!

By: Brian Sat, 07 May 2022 14:12:24 +0000 Skillz is literally robbing people. If you play enough and get good enough to start winning, you will find yourself starting to lose. There have been very suspicious things that happen during play like I will put up a average score in pool for instance in a certain dollar bracket, and then I get paired with a “random” player and I would win. Sometimes I would lose. But the shady part comes when I put up a really high score. For some reason, the game all of a sudden has a problem matching me up with someone. It takes 20 minutes to find a player to match up with when I have shot a high score. But when I shoot a trash score there has never, and I mean not even once,been an instance where I was waiting 20 or 30 minutes for the game to match me up with someone. It’s always right away when I shoot a losing score. And most of the time when I shoot a high score and the game has a sudden problem finding a match, 20 minutes later I end up losing after it matched me up. They have their programming rigged. There is no other explanation. It happens in every type of skillz game. When you put up a really high score, the game which was matching you right away with someone prior, will have a sudden problem with finding a matchup. And I believe that this shows that when you start winning or get good at a game, the system will either wait to pair you against someone with a real high score average, or a bot that will beat you. You won’t always lose when you have a high score and get thrown on a wait, but it is definately a process the game is putting you through to cheat you.

By: Mo Thu, 28 Apr 2022 18:53:31 +0000 My account has been closed and they are saying that I cheat, took advantage of the aborting games (they have issues with the software and connectivity) , said that I create multiple accounts which is not tru, basically they will keep your money and won’t give it back at all, I’m still waiting since 2019 a hoodie, coins , plaque Etc and never arrived
I’m still fighting to get $700 back, and $150 in gifts
This game should be revised by the government of gambling and check their rules , you will lose your money and will never see them again
They know how to get your money and they control the games to earn 20% of all games , they don’t care if you win or lose , they just want their cut

By: Syed Sat, 26 Feb 2022 17:48:03 +0000 Skillz is a fraud, they simply delete your account once you have earn some money. I was playing cube cube for 3 years and earned hundreds of dollars in my account and all of a sudden they deleted my account accusing me of having multiple accounts which was totally FALSE.

After wasting 3 years on Skillz and loosing thousands of dollars by FALSE accusations one can easily tell that they are just FRAUD.

By: Jamie Satterfield Fri, 11 Feb 2022 08:02:36 +0000 I’ve been playing Solitaire for a couple Of years now. When I first started, I was winning a lot. Nothing to write home about but once it was $300. I haven’t even begun to get that close since. A dollar here or there. I keep telling myself to stop playing for money. They have their high rollers, which I’ll never be. I played several games tonight. I might as well just thrown my money down the drain. At least I’ve learned.

By: Justin Tue, 04 Jan 2022 00:43:31 +0000 They did it to me again skillz is a scam and needs to be stopped

By: Justin Mandel Sat, 01 Jan 2022 01:35:23 +0000 Skillz did the same to me I am 20 from NY I am very good at their games and they are suspending my account too for no fucking reason

By: Gamehead Fri, 01 Oct 2021 17:05:06 +0000 They blocked my account of almost 2000 and sent me a message about cheating and fraud can someone contact me on how i can do somthing about it [email protected]

By: Bobby Martin Tue, 28 Sep 2021 07:31:29 +0000 Hi I won 18,000 on payday pool and that said I’ll get a check I never did when I talk to customers services that told me that that don’t after money no more

By: Abbadabs Sun, 19 Sep 2021 10:14:33 +0000 Imagine that. A game platform that is as Crooked as the American government. Doesn’t surprise me one bit. In fact even your free game platforms are banning loyal players who voluntarily pay their bills under their discretion you may have a gambling problem when clearly making purchases is voluntary. How google allows this shady practice is beyond me and frankly i think its disgusting to assume stuff about someone you only know through customer service.
We should all just quit giving these people our money and see how they survive. After being banned from not one but two games today I’m done with the bull crap. Even when you have 7 years into a game it means nothing to them. They’re all crooks!

By: Shawn Mon, 13 Sep 2021 17:23:21 +0000 Skillz are robbers ..I won 1000 dollars and soon i withdraw they banned me for nothing at all

By: Craig Anderson Fri, 06 Aug 2021 06:33:47 +0000 I started having account issues with skills and they constantly say that I’ve been deactivated because of too many accounts. Which is never stated or flashing when you first get on with them. And even them having a key in their menu this says, Switch Account. Anyway I have about four or five email account all of which have at least a dollar in my account one of them has $27. They said that they took all my accounts and put them into one which was an email that I can access of course. L a lunch break short they won’t refund me and it 9th or even have somewhat of a good reason why

By: Glen Wed, 10 Mar 2021 12:17:55 +0000 Skillz is definitely a dodgy gaming platform, I’m actually not a disgruntled player who lost money, I actually won on average $500 a month for almost 3 months, that’s not bad extra cash! I was going to move onto the higher tier games and quit my job eventually, but clearly Skillz never liked my strategy and I will explain why in a bit. I worked out on average I could actually make almost $4000 a month playing this, but if you really had the savvy you could make double that, and I’m talking pure profit, this excludes what you put at stake! I was just building up that bank roll before I got to this stage.

They always give a vague excuse as to why can’t pay , they never clear on any issue, and if you read there terms and conditions as much as I have , they basically tell you that they don’t have to give a reason at all, unfortunately if you want to play, you have to accept these conditions! and so everyone does in the end!

Anyways my game was the poolpay day app(this was the only game I was good at), but which ever platform you use, the stakes are roughly the same and the percentages skillz takes are pretty much the same as well.

So I got thinking why is Skillz always having an issue with me? The more I play the more money Skillz is going to make in the end right?. For example you play a $3 stake games you put up $1.80 and your opponent puts up $1.80 at the end of the day Skillz will make 60cents profit off the 2 players in each of those games which makes sense as they got to make there money somehow and it does not matter who wins or loses (I could play almost 200 games some days)in the end to them the end result is always the same, they still get there 60cents .

So this is what Skillz really wants you to do, they actually do want you to lose all your money! and they rely on you to make further deposits as that’s where the real money lies with them. They furthermore cannot stand it when you take bonus cash and convert that into real cash and again that’s because they rely on these deposits, I have literally not deposited a cent for 3 months and would never have again if I did not get banned yesterday.

They even made an update and changed the way the balls roll and bank to mess up a player like me, but unfortunately it did not work I actually ended up winning more in an even shorter space of time. They sent me an email saying I’m banned from ever using the system again and they basically implied that I am a bot or I use software, which is absolute rubbish! Last week Wednesday I did a zoom verification call with them and my account was temporarily disabled (which was still the previous version before the update) and they stated they can only release funds in future once verification is passed and unlock the restrictions therafter, anyway I passed the verification and I got an email saying that they found my account to be in true standing and any future withdrawals will be processed as usual and the restrictions were taken off!, then less than a week later I get banned, they cannot give specifics as to why and that’s only because they are extremely dishonest. To add further some of the top players were also up for verification but there account s were not disabled and still aren’t prior to there Zoom verification meeting , and the reason for that is because these players out slot money into the game, I know this and so I gathered all the info from the chatrooms from these specific players, they do not want to lose people and make people who keep deposit into money into the game angry and that’s because it only benefits SkillZ.

I find there company name rather contradictory! SkillZ should be a place where players of skill can actually thrive, but in fact they should have named there company STEALZ! But that would have sounded less attractive to there poor victims right? I can say this because twice now they had removed money from my account.

On the leaderboards I can tell you that only 2 out of the top 10 players are making money , they don’t mind paying them as they make so much more and they need to keep these guys happy as they getting good in-house advertising . As for the rest of the guys on the leaderboard, I know for a fact they are not making money, they keep putting more money I and Skillz love that (you don’t need to be good to be at the top of the leader board, you just need a good bank roll), they are also ok with any player that never makes withdrawals! Once you start with the withdrawal process, that’s where your problems will start.

By: Alexis Sun, 03 Jan 2021 18:25:50 +0000 Sounds like the one comment is from someone who works for Skillz “tHosE 2 PeeOpLe SOunDd liKeE OpPorTunniTss” Now had these two been the only ones to complain i’d believe it but 99.9% of the people who play/have played this game say the same bad things about them… but I guess thousands to millions of people are lying huh? so no doubt in my mind that they’re telling the truth. You can never trust “quick” money making things like this because they’re all scams- either to get your info and/or to get your money by lulling you into a false sense of security. Just remember: If getting lots of money was as easy as this company (and other scammy ones) make it out to be everyone on this planet would be rich.

By: Gigi Sat, 07 Nov 2020 19:31:26 +0000 Ive cashed out almost 500$ but there is some fishy stuff going on with Skillz

By: Melissa Hornberger Mon, 02 Nov 2020 10:13:58 +0000 Well I feel like this…
I have played well over 200 games to try and”win” money, and every single one give played has let me get as close as .01 ONE PENNY and wouldnt let me cash out.
I like certain games and to think I can play solitaire or bingo and plinko ect. And make an extra $ 20~30 bucks cool.
BUT EVERY SINGLE GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED HAS YET TO MAKE ME .001 MUCH LESS $20.i ALWAY stop play in the game because there is no pay off like the games always make you think by reading the apps or watching advertisements for the apps
ALL LIES! in from the show me stayed….

By: Dorr Sat, 24 Oct 2020 06:14:56 +0000 I just got my account taken away for accusing skillz of cheating me

By: Bryan Sun, 20 Sep 2020 23:30:06 +0000 After reading this I really think Ball and Prignano are opportunists… snakes in the grass that were waiting to strike! Well, I could be wrong but let justice be served!

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