{"id":23113,"date":"2020-03-01T01:58:58","date_gmt":"2020-03-01T09:58:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.casino.org\/vitalvegas\/?p=23113"},"modified":"2020-03-01T02:13:17","modified_gmt":"2020-03-01T10:13:17","slug":"cirques-financial-critical-disaster-run-to-close-at-luxor","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.casino.org\/vitalvegas\/cirques-financial-critical-disaster-run-to-close-at-luxor\/","title":{"rendered":"Cirque’s Financial and Critical Disaster “R.U.N.” to Close at Luxor"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

“R.U.N.” at Luxor has confirmed what we’ve been saying for months<\/a>, the show will soon be put out of its misery. Cirque du Soleil says it will close for good on March 8, 2020. It opened October 24, 2019.<\/p>\n

It’s hard to overstate the level of WTF associated with this doomed-from-day-one show.<\/p>\n

“R.U.N.” was savaged in online reviews and cost $62 million (some say it was substantially more). Our sources say the show has been losing about $1.6 million a month for its four-month run.<\/p>\n

Not only was this the biggest financial disaster in the history of Las Vegas entertainment, “R.U.N.” also had the shortest run of any Cirque show in Vegas history.<\/p>\n

“R.U.N.” made dumpster fires cringe.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

“R.U.N.” billed itself as “a living, breathing graphic novel that’s non-stop tire-peeling, fist-flinging and double-crossing action including combat stunts, fast-paced car chases, cutting-edge technology and innovative multimedia.”<\/p>\n

While we obviously feel for the performers who will lose their jobs when the show closes, we have issues with the bullshittery the show tried to pull by encouraging (and possibly paying) people to post glowing reviews to try and stem the avalanche of posts trying to steer people away from this baffling misfire.<\/p>\n

Many of the fake reviews used approved talking points, many along the lines of “People only hate this show because it’s not a typical Cirque show.”<\/p>\n

This delusional assertion was just one of many gross miscalculations made by the show’s producers and creative team.<\/p>\n

The only “confusion” about “R.U.N.” was audience members expecting an entertaining show and, instead, getting one with a bewildering plot, graphic sadism, poorly-executed fight scenes and excruciatingly loud music.<\/p>\n

Or, as reviewer Chris G. put it so eloquently on TripAdvisor, “Makes you embarrassed to be human.” Honorable mention to Troyl H. who wrote, “Getting to leave is the highlight.”<\/p>\n

“R.U.N.” was so bad, we hated it and never even saw it. Here’s a look.<\/p>\n
